PyDV 2.4.4 API Specification

pydvpy module

A python interface for PyDV functionality.

>>> import pydvpy as pydvif

Take the absolute value of the y values of the Curve or list of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.abs(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.abs(curves[0])
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – the Curve or list of curves

Take the absolute value of the x values of the Curve or list of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.absx(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.absx(curves[0])
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – the Curve or list of curves

Take the arccosine of y values of a Curve or list of Curves

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.acos(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.acos(curves[0])
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The Curve or list of curves

Take the hyperbolic arccosine of y values of a Curve or list of Curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.acosh(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.acosh(curves[0])
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The Curve or list of curves

Take the hyperbolic arccosine of x values of a Curve or list of Curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.acoshx(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.acoshx(curves[0])
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The Curve or list of curves

Take the arccosine of x values of a Curve or list of Curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.acosx(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.acosx(curves[0])
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The Curve or list of curves

Add one or more curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> c = pydvif.add(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (list) – The list of curves
Returns:curve – the curve containing the sum of the curves in curvelist
pydvpy.alpha(ac, ig, res, npts=-1)

Merge a two curves over the union of their domains. Where domains overlap, take the average of the curve’s y-values.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> newcurve = pydvif.appendcurve(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (list) – the specified curves
Returns:Curve – the merging of the two curves c1 and c2

Take the arcsine of y values of a single curve or curves in a list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.asin(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Take the hyperbolic arcsine of y values of a single curve or curves in a list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.asinh(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Take the hyperbolic arcsine of x values of a single curve or curves in a list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.asinhx(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Take the arcsine of x values of a single curve or curves in a list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.asinx(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Take the arctangent of y values of a single curve or curves in a list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.atan(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves
pydvpy.atan2(c1, c2, t=None)

Perform the atan2 method for a pair of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.atan2(curves[0], curves[1])   OR
>>> pydvif.atan2(curves[0], curves[1], tuple(['A', 'B']))
  • c1 (curve) – the first curve
  • c2 (curve) – the second curve
  • t (tuple) – A tuple containing exactly two values to insert into the name string for the new curve

curve – a new curve with the results from this operation


Take the hyperbolic arctangent of y values of a single curve or curves in a list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.atanh(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Take the hyperbolic arctangent of x values of a single curve or curves in a list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.atanhx(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Take the arctangent of x values of a single curve or curves in a list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.atanx(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Average the specified curves over the intersection of their domains.

Parameters:curvelist – the specified curves
Returns:Curve – a new curve with the average values over the intersection of the domains of the specified curves.
pydvpy.convolve(c1, c2, npts=100)

Compute and return the convolution of two real curves: - - (g*h)(x) = Int(-inf, inf, dt, g(t)*h(x-t)) - The Fourier Transform is used to perform the convolution.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> newcurve = pydvif.convolve(curves[0], curves[1])
  • c1 (Curve) – (N,) The first curve
  • c2 (Curve) – (M,) The second curve
  • npts (int) – the number of points used to create a uniform temporal spacing

nc: Curve – the convolution of the two curves c1 and c2

pydvpy.convolve_int(c1, c2, norm=True, npts=100)

Computes the convolution of the two curves (c1, c2). The integrals are computed directly which avoid padding and aliasing problems associated with FFT methods (it is however slower).

  • c1 (Curve) – (N,) The first curve
  • c2 (Curve) – (M,) The second curve
  • norm (bool) – if true then the result is normalized to unit area.
  • npts (int) – the number of points

nc: Curve – the convolution of the two curves c1 and c2

pydvpy.convolveb(c1, c2, npts=100)
Computes the convolution of the two given curves
(g*h)(x) = Int(-inf, inf, dt*g(t)*h(x-t))/
Int(-inf, inf, dt*h(t))

This computes the integrals directly which avoid padding and aliasing problems associated with FFT methods (it is however slower).

  • c1 (Curve) – (N,) The first curve
  • c2 (Curve) – (M,) The second curve
  • npts (int) – the number of points

Curve – the convolution of the two curves c1 and c2 using integration and normalizing c2

pydvpy.convolvec(c1, c2, npts=100)
Computes the convolution of the two given curves
(g*h)(x) = Int(-inf, inf, dt*g(t)*h(x-t))/
Int(-inf, inf, dt*h(t))

This computes the integrals directly which avoid padding and aliasing problems associated with FFT methods (it is however slower).

  • c1 (Curve) – (N,) The first curve
  • c2 (Curve) – (M,) The second curve
  • npts (int) – the number of points

Curve – the convolution of the two curves c1 and c2 using integration and no normalization

pydvpy.correlate(c1, c2, mode='valid')

Computes the cross-correlation of two 1D sequences (c1.y and c2.y) as defined by numpy.correlate.

  • c1 (Curve) – The first curve with 1D input sequence c1.y
  • c2 (Curve) – The second curve with 1D input sequence c2.y
  • mode (str) –

    {‘full’, ‘same’, ‘valid’}, optional ‘full’:

    By default, mode is ‘full’. This returns the convolution at each point of overlap, with an output shape of (N+M-1,). At the end-points of the convolution, the signals do not overlap completely, and boundary effects may be seen.
    Mode ‘same’ returns output of length max(M, N). Boundary effects are still visible.
    Mode ‘valid’ returns output of length max(M, N) - min(M, N) + 1. The convolution product is only given for points where the signals overlap completely. Values outside the signal boundary have no effect.

Curve – the cross-correlation of c1.y and c2.y


Take the cosine of y values of a Curve or list of Curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.cos(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.cos(curves[0])
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The Curve or list of Curves

Take the hyperbolic cosine of y values of a Curve or list of Curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.cosh(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.cosh(curves[0])
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The Curve or list of curves

Take the hyperbolic cosine of x values of a Curve or list of Curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.coshx(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.coshx(curves[0])
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The Curve or list of curves

Take the cosine of x values of a Curve or list of Curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.cosx(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.cosx(curves[0])
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The Curve or list of Curves
pydvpy.create_plot(curvelist, **kwargs)

Create a plot from of the curves in curvelist. The available keyword arguments are: * Filename: fname=’myFile’ * Save Format: ftype=’pdf’ * Plot Title: title=’My Title’ * X-Axis Label: xlabel=’X’ * Y-Axis Label: ylabel=’Y’ * Show/Hide Plot Legend: legend=True * Plot Style: stylename=’ggplot’ * Show X-Axis in log scale: xls=True * Show Y-Axis in log scale: yls=True * Set the width of the figure in inches: fwidth=1.2 * Set the height of the figure in inches: fheight=2.1

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> plot1 = pydvif.create_plot(curves, fname='myPlot1')
>>> plot2 = pydvif.create_plot(curves, fname='myPlot2', ftype='pdf', fwidth=10.1, fheight=11.3, title='My Plot', xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', legend=True, stylename='ggplot')
  • curvelist (list) – The curve or list of curves to plot
  • kwargs (dict) – The keyword arguments to modify the plot.

matplotlib.pyplot – the plot of the curves

pydvpy.derivative(c, eo=1)

Take the derivative of the curve.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> newCurve = pydvif.derivative(curves[0])
  • c (Curve) – The curve
  • eo (int, optional) – edge_order, gradient is calculated using N-th order accurate differences at the boundaries. Default: 1.

A new curve representing the derivate of c

pydvpy.diffMeasure(c1, c2, tol=1e-08)

Compare two curves. For the given curves a fractional difference measure and its average are computed.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> c1, c2  = pydvif.diffMeasure(curves[0], curves[1])
>>> curves.append(c1)
>>> curves.append(c2)
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True)
  • c1 (Curve) – The first curve
  • c2 (Curve) – The second curve
  • tol (float) – The tolerance

tuple – Two curves representing the fractional difference measure and its average

pydvpy.disp(c, domain=True)

Create a tuple for the given curve that contains the name of the curve and a string formatted list of the curve’s x- or y-values.

>>> c = pydvif.span(1, 10)
>>> name, yvalues = pydvif.disp(c, False)
  • c – The given curve
  • domain (bool, optional) – if True, display the x-values of the curve. Otherwise, display the y-values of the curve

tuple – A tuple consisting of the curve name and the list of x- or y-values as strings


Take quotient of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> c = pydvif.divide(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (list) – The list of curves
Returns:curve – the curve containing the quotient of the curves
pydvpy.divx(curvelist, value)

Divide x values of the curve(s) by a constant value.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.divx(curves, 4)
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – The curve or curvelist
  • value (float) – The divisor
pydvpy.divy(curvelist, value)

Divide y values of the curve(s) by a constant value.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.divy(curves, 4)
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – The curve or curvelist
  • value (float) – The divisor

Duplicate the x-values such that y = x for each of the given curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.dupx(curves)
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True)
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
pydvpy.dx(curvelist, value)

Shift x values of a curve or list of curves by a constant value.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.dx(curves, 4) OR
>>> pydvif.dx(curves[0], 4)
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – A curve or curvelist
  • value (float) – The amount to shift the x values by
pydvpy.dy(curvelist, value)

Shift y values of a curve or list of curves by a constant value.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.dy(curves, 4) OR
>>> pydvif.dy(curves[0], 4)
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – A curve or curvelist
  • value (float) – The amount to shift the y values by
pydvpy.errorbar(scur, cury1, cury2, curx1=None, curx2=None, mod=1)

Plot error bars on the given curve.

>>> curves = list()
>>> curves.append(pydvif.span(1,10))
>>> curves.append(pydvif.span(1,10))
>>> curves.append(pydvif.span(1,10))
>>> pydvif.dy(curves[0], 0.25)
>>> pydvif.dy(curves[2], -0.25)
>>> pydvif.errorbar(curves[1], curves[0], curves[2])
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True)
  • scur (Curve) – The given curve
  • cury1 (Curve) – y-error-curve
  • cury2 (Curve) – y+error-curve
  • curx1 (Curve) – x-error-curve
  • curx2 (Curve) – x+error-curve
  • mod (int) – point-skip
pydvpy.errorrange(scur, cury1, cury2)

Plot shaded error region on given curve.

>>> curves = list()
>>> curves.append(pydvif.span(1,10))
>>> curves.append(pydvif.span(1,10))
>>> curves.append(pydvif.span(1,10))
>>> pydvif.dy(curves[0], 0.25)
>>> pydvif.dy(curves[2], -0.25)
>>> pydvif.errorrange(curves[1], curves[0], curves[2])
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True)
  • scur (Curve) – The given curve
  • cury1 (Curve) – y-error-curve
  • cury2 (Curve) – y+error-curve

Exponentiate y values of the Curve or list of curves (e**y).

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.exp(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.exp(curves[0])
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – the Curve or list of curves

Exponentiate x values of the Curve or list of curves (e**x).

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.expx(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.expx(curves[0])
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – the Curve or list of curves
pydvpy.fft(c, n=None, axis=-1, norm=None)

Compute the one-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform for the x- or y-values of c.

This function computes the one-dimensional n-point discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with the efficient Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm [CT].

c : curve
Curve with x- or y-values as input array, can be complex.
n : int, optional
Length of the transformed axis of the output. If n is smaller than the length of the input, the input is cropped. If it is larger, the input is padded with zeros. If n is not given, the length of the input along the axis specified by axis is used.
axis : int, optional
Axis over which to compute the FFT. If not given, the last axis is used.
norm : {None, “ortho”}, optional
Normalization mode (see numpy.fft). Default is None.
out : Curve tuple
Two curves with the real and imaginary parts.
if axes is larger than the last axis of a.

FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) refers to a way the discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) can be calculated efficiently, by using symmetries in the calculated terms. The symmetry is highest when n is a power of 2, and the transform is therefore most efficient for these sizes.

The DFT is defined, with the conventions used in this implementation, in the documentation for the numpy.fft module.

[CT]Cooley, James W., and John W. Tukey, 1965, “An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series,” Math. Comput. 19: 297-301.
>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> realcurve, imagcurve = pydvif.fft(curves[0])
pydvpy.filtercurves(curvelist, pattern)

Filters the list of curves based on the regular expression pattern.

>>> curves = pydvif.filtercurves(curves, "*_name")
  • curvelist (Curve) – the list of curves
  • pattern (str) – the regular expression pattern

list – The list of filtered curves from curvelist based on the regular expression pattern, n=1, logx=False, logy=False)

Make a new curve that is a polynomial fit to curve c.

>>> curves = list()
>>> curves.append(pydvif.span(1,10))
>>> pydvif.sin(curves)
>>> curves.append([0], 2))
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True)
  • c (Curve) – The curve to fit
  • n (int) – Degree of the fitting polynomial
  • logx (bool) – Take the log(x-values) before fitting if True
  • logy (bool) – Take the log(y-values) before fitting if True

Curve – The fitting polynomial

pydvpy.gaussian(amp, wid, center, num=100, nsd=3)

Generate a gaussian function.

>>> curve = pydvif.gaussian(5, 10, 0)
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curve, legend=True, stylename='ggplot')
  • amp (float) – amplitude
  • wid (float) – width
  • center (float) – center
  • num (int) – optional, number of points
  • nsd (float) – optional, number of half-widths

Curve – representing the gaussian function


Get the list of available plot styles.

Returns:list – the list of available style names or an empty list if no styles exist.

Get domain of the curve or list of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> domains = pydvif.getdomain(curves)
>>> plotname, minx, maxx = domains[0]
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The given curve or list of curves
Returns:list – A list of tuples where each tuple contains the curve name, minimum x, and maximum x

Return the given curve’s number of points.

Parameters:curve – The given curve
Returns:int – the number of points in curve

Get the range of the curve or list of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> ranges = pydvif.getrange(curves)
>>> plotname, miny, maxy = ranges[0]
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The given curve or list of curves
Returns:list – A list of tuples where each tuple contains the curve name, minimum y, and maximum y
pydvpy.getx(c, value)

Get the x values of the curve for a given y.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> vals = pydvif.getx(curves[0], 4)
>>> x, y = vals[0]
  • c (Curve) – The curve
  • value (float) – y value

list – A list of tuples where each tuple contains the x value, and the given y

pydvpy.gety(c, value)

Get the y values of the curve for a given x.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> vals = pydvif.gety(curves[0], 2)
>>> x, y = vals[0]
  • c (Curve) – The curve
  • value (float) – x value

list – A list of tuples where each tuple contains the y value, and the given x

pydvpy.getymax(c, xmin=None, xmax=None)

Get the maximum y-value for the curve within the specified domain.

  • c – the curve
  • xmin (float, optional) – the minimum x-value for the sub-domain
  • xmax (float, optional) – the maximum x-value for the sub-domain

str – curve name ymax – the maximum y-value for the specified domain

pydvpy.getymin(c, xmin=None, xmax=None)

Get the minimum y-value for the curve within the specified domain.

  • c – the curve
  • xmin (float, optional) – the minimum x-value for the sub-domain
  • xmax (float, optional) – the maximum x-value for the sub-domain

str – curve name ymin – the minimum y-value for the specified domain

pydvpy.integrate(curvelist, low=None, high=None)
Take the integral of the curve or curves in curvelist.
  • curvelist (curve or list) – A curve or list of curves
  • low (float) – The lower limit
  • high (float) – The maximum limit

list – the list of integrated curves


Take the Bessel function of the first kind of the zeroth order for the y values of curves in curvelist.

Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves

Take the Bessel function of the first kind of the zeroth order for the x values of curves in curvelist.

Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves

Take the Bessel function of the first kind of the first order for the y values of curves in curvelist.

Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves

Take the Bessel function of the first kind of the first order for the x values of curves in curvelist.

Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
pydvpy.jn(curvelist, n)

Take the Bessel function of the first kind of the nth order for the y values of curves in curvelist.

  • curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
  • n (float) – The order
pydvpy.jnx(curvelist, n)

Take the Bessel function of the first kind of the nth order for the x values of curves in curvelist.

  • curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
  • n (float) – The order
pydvpy.l1(c1, c2, xmin=None, xmax=None)

Make a new curve that is the L1 norm of curve c1 and curve c2. The L1-norm is the integral(|c1 - c2|) over the interval [xmin, xmax].

>>> c = pydvif.l1(curve1, curve2)
>>> c2 = pydvif.l1(curve1, curve2, 1.1, 10.9)
  • c1 (Curve) – The first curve
  • c2 (Curve) – The second curve
  • xmin (float) – the minimum x value to perform the L1 norm
  • xmax (float) – the maximum x value to perform the L1 norm
Returns Curve:

A new curve that is the L1 norm of c1 and c2

pydvpy.l2(c1, c2, xmin=None, xmax=None)

Make a new curve that is the L2 norm of curve c1 and curve c2. The L2-norm is (integral((c1 - c2)**2)**(1/2) over the interval [xmin, xmax].

>>> c = pydvif.l2(curve1, curve2)
>>> c2 = pydvif.l2(curve1, curve2, 3.1, 30.9)
  • c1 (Curve) – The first curve
  • c2 (Curve) – The second curve
  • xmin (float) – the minimum x value to perform the L2 norm
  • xmax (float) – the maximum x value to perform the L2 norm
Returns Curve:

A new curve that is the L2 norm of c1 and c2

pydvpy.line(m, b, xmin, xmax, numpts=100)

Generate a line with y = mx + b and an optional number of points.

>>> curves = list()
>>> curves.append(pydvif.line(2, 5, 0, 10))
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True, stylename='ggplot')
  • m (float) – The slope
  • b (float) – The y-intercept
  • xmin (float) – The minimum x value
  • xmax (float) – The maximum x value
  • numpts (int) – The number of points to use for the new line

Curve – The curve representing the newly created line

pydvpy.log(curvelist, keep=True)

Take the natural logarithm of y values of the Curve or list of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.log(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.log(curves[0])
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – the Curve or list of curves
  • keep (optional, boolean) – flag to determine whether or not to discard zero or negative y-values before taking the log. keep is True by default.
pydvpy.log10(curvelist, keep=True)

Take the base 10 logarithm of y values of a Curve or list of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.log10(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.log10(curves[0])
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – the Curve or list of curves
  • keep (optional, boolean) – flag to determine whether or not to discard zero or negative y-values before taking the base 10 logarithm. keep is True by default.
pydvpy.log10x(curvelist, keep=True)

Take the base 10 logarithm of x values of a Curve or list of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.log10x(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.log10x(curves[0])
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – the Curve or list of curves
  • keep (optional, boolean) – flag to determine whether or not to discard zero or negative y-values before taking the base 10 logarithm. keep is True by default.
pydvpy.logx(curvelist, keep=True)

Take the natural logarithm of x values of the Curve or list of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.logx(curves) OR
>>> pydvif.logx(curves[0])
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – the Curve or list of curves
  • keep (optional, boolean) – flag to determine whether or not to discard zero or negative x-values before taking the log. keep is True by default.
pydvpy.makecurve(x, y, name='Curve', fname='')

Generate a curve from two lists of numbers.

>>> c1 = pydvif.makecurve([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 10, 15, 20])
>>> c2 = pydvif.makecurve([1, 2, 3, 4], [7, 8, 9, 10], 'Line')
  • x (list) – list of x values
  • y (list) – list of y values
  • name (str) – the name of the new curve
  • fname (str) – the name of the file containing this curves data.

curve – the curve generated from the x and y list of values.


Set the y-values such that y[i] *= (x[i+1] - x[i]).

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.makeextensive(curves)
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True)
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The curve or list of curves

Set the y-values such that y[i] /= (x[i+1] - x[i]).

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.makeintensive(curves)
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True)
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The curve or list of curves

Construct a curve from the maximum y values of the intersection of the curves domain.

Parameters:curvelist – the specified curves
Returns:Curve – a new curve with the maximum y-values over the intersection of the domains of the specified curves.

Construct a curve from the minimum y values of the intersection of the curves domain.

Parameters:curvelist – the specified curves
Returns:Curve – a new curve with the minimum y-values over the intersection of the domains of the specified curves.

Take product of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> c = pydvif.multiply(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (list) – The list of curves
Returns:Curve – the curve containing the product of the curves, value)

Scale x values of a curve or list of curves by a constant value.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>>, 4) OR
>>>[0], 4)
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – A curve or curvelist
  • value (float) – The amount to scale the x values by, value)

Scale y values of a curve or list of curves by a constant value.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>>, 4) OR
>>>[0], 4)
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – A curve or curvelist
  • value (float) – The amount to scale the y values by
pydvpy.norm(c1, c2, p, xmin=None, xmax=None)

Make a new curve that is the p-norm of curve c1 and curve c2.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> c = pydvif.norm(curves[0], curves[1], 'inf')
>>> curves.append(c)
  • c1 (Curve) – The first curve
  • c2 (Curve) – The second curve
  • p (str) – the order (e.g., ‘inf’, ‘3’, ‘5’)
  • xmin (float) – the minimum x value to perform the p-norm
  • xmax (float) – the maximum x value to perform the p-norm
Returns Curve:

A new curve that is the p-norm of c1 and c2

pydvpy.powa(curvelist, a)

Raise a fixed value, a, to the power of the y values of the Curve or list of curves. y = a^y

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.powa(curves, 2) OR
>>> pydvif.powa(curves[0], 2)
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – the Curve or list of curves
  • a (float) – the fixed value
pydvpy.powax(curvelist, a)

Raise a fixed value, a, to the power of the x values of the Curve or curves. x = a^x

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.powax(curves, 4.2) OR
>>> pydvif.powax(curves[0], 4.2)
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – the Curve or list of curves
  • a (float) – the fixed value
pydvpy.powr(curvelist, a)

Raise a the y values of a curve or list of curves to a fixed power, y = y^a.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.powr(curves, 4.2) OR
>>> pydvif.powr(curves[0], 4.2)
  • curvelist (curve or list) – the curve or list of curves
  • a (float) – the fixed value
pydvpy.powrx(curvelist, a)

Raise a the x values of a curve or list of curves to a fixed power, x = x^a.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.powrx(curves, 4.2) OR
>>> pydvif.powrx(curves[0], 4.2)
  • curvelist (curve or list) – the curve or list of curves
  • a (float) – the fixed value

Generate random y values between -1 and 1 for the specified curves.

>>> c = pydvif.span(1, 10)
>>> pydvif.random(c)
Parameters:curve (Curve) – The curve to sort, gnu=False, xcol=0, verbose=False, pattern=None, matches=None)

Read the file and add parsed curves to a curvelist

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> curves ='testData.txt', False, 0, False, '*_name', 20)
  • fname (str) – ULTRA filename
  • gnu (bool) – optional, flag to determine if the file is a column oriented (.gnu) file.
  • xcol (int) – optional, x-column number for column oriented (.gnu) files
  • verbose (bool) – optional, prints the error stacktrace when True
  • pattern (str) – optional, the regular expression pattern
  • matches (int) – optional, maximum number of times to match pattern, if specified

list – the list of curves from the file matching pattern, if specified

pydvpy.readcsv(fname, xcol=0, verbose=False)

Load a csv (comma separated values) data file, add parsed curves to a curvelist. ‘#’ is the comment character. First uncommented line must be the column labels. We assume the first column is the x-data, every other column is y-data. We also assume all columns are the same length.

>>> curves = readcsv('testData.csv')
  • fname (str) – csv filename
  • xcol (int) – x-column number for column oriented (.gnu) files
  • verbose (bool) – prints the error stacktrace when True

list – the list of curves from the csv file


Take the reciprocal of the y values of the curve or list of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.recip(curves[1])
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True, stylename='ggplot')
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The curve or list of curves

Take the reciprocal of the x values of the curve or list of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.dx(curves, 2)
>>> pydvif.recipx(curves)
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True, stylename='ggplot')
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The curve or list of curves

Swap x and y values for the specified curves. You may want to sort after this one.

>>> c = pydvif.span(1, 10)
>>> pydvif.rev(c)
Parameters:curve (Curve) – The curve to sort, curvelist, verbose=False)

Saves the given Curve or list of Curves to a file named fname.

>>> curves = list()
>>> curves.append(pydvif.makecurve([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 10, 15, 20]))
>>>'myfile.txt', curves) OR
>>>'myfile.txt', curves[0])
  • fname (str) – ULTRA filename
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – The curve or list of curves to save
  • verbose (bool) – prints the error stacktrace when True
pydvpy.savecsv(fname, curvelist, verbose=False)

Saves the Curve or list of Curves to file in comma separated values (csv) format. Assumes all curves have the same x basis.

>>> curves = list()
>>> curves.append(pydvif.makecurve([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 10, 15, 20]))
>>> pydvif.savecsv('myfile.csv', curves)
  • fname (str) – ULTRA filename
  • curvelist (list) – The Curve or list of Curves to save
  • verbose (bool) – prints the error stacktrace when True

Take the sine of y values of a single curve or multiple curves in list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.sin(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Take the hyperbolic sine of y values of a single curve or multiple curves in list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.sinh(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Take the hyperbolic sine of x values of a single curve or multiple curves in list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.sinhx(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Take the sine of x values of a single curve or multiple curves in list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.sinx(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves
pydvpy.smooth(curvelist, factor=1)

Smooth the curve to the given degree.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.smooth(curves, 4)
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True)
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
  • factor (int) – The smooth factor

Sort the specified curve so that their points are plotted in order of ascending x values.

>>> c = pydvif.span(1, 10)
>>> pydvif.sort(c)
Parameters:curve (Curve) – The curve to sort
pydvpy.span(xmin, xmax, numpts=100)

Generates a straight line of slope 1 and y intercept 0 in the specified domain with an optional number of points.

>>> c = pydvif.span(1, 10)
  • xmin (float) – The minimum x value
  • xmax (float) – The maximum x value
  • numpts (int) – The number of points used to plot the line

curve – the curve object representing the straight line.


Take the square of the y values in a curve or list of curves.

Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – the curve or list of curves

Take the square root of the y values in a curve or list of curves.

Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – the curve or list of curves

Take the square root of the x values in a curve or list of curves.

Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – the curve or list of curves

Take the square of the x values in a curve or list of curves.

Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – the curve or list of curves
pydvpy.subsample(curvelist, stride=2, verbose=False)

Subsample the curve or list of curves, i.e., reduce to every nth value.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.subsample(curves, 4)
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True)
  • curvelist (Curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
  • stride (int) – The step size through the array
  • verbose (bool) – If True additional information will be printed to stdout

Take difference of curves.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> c = pydvif.subtract(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (list) – The list of curves
Returns:curve – the curve containing the difference of the curves

Take the tangent of y values of a single curve or multiple curves in list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.tan(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Take the hyperbolic tangent of y values of a single curve or multiple curves in list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.tanh(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Take the hyperbolic tangent of x values of a single curve or multiple curves in list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.tanhx(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves

Take the tangent of x values of a single curve or multiple curves in list.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.tanx(curves)
Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – A single curve or a list of curves
pydvpy.vs(c1, c2)

Create a new curve that will plot as the range of the first curve against the range of the second curve.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> c1 = pydvif.vs(curves[0], curves[1])
>>> curves.append(c1)
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True)
  • c1 (Curve) – The first curve
  • c2 (Curve) – The second curve

Curve – the new curve


Create curves with y-values vs. integer index values.

>>> curves ='testData.txt')
>>> pydvif.xindex(curves)
>>> pydvif.create_plot(curves, legend=True)
Parameters:curvelist (Curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
pydvpy.xmax(curvelist, limit)

Filter out points in the curve or list of curves whose x values are greater than limit.

  • curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
  • limit (float) – The maximum value
pydvpy.xmin(curvelist, min)

Filter out points in the curve or list of curves whose x values are less than min.

  • curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
  • min (float) – The minimum value
pydvpy.xminmax(curvelist, min, max)

Filter out points in the curve or list of curves whose x values are less than min or greater than max.

  • curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
  • min (float) – The minimum value
  • max (float) – The maximum value

Take the Bessel function of the second kind of the zeroth order for the y values of curves in curvelist.

Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves

Take the Bessel function of the second kind of the zeroth order for the x values of curves in curvelist.

Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves

Take the Bessel function of the second kind of the first order for the y values of curves in curvelist.

Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves

Take the Bessel function of the second kind of the first order for the x values of curves in curvelist.

Parameters:curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
pydvpy.ymax(curvelist, max)

Filter out points in the curve or list of curves whose y values are greater than limit.

  • curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
  • max (float) – The maximum value
pydvpy.ymin(curvelist, min)

Filter out points in the curve or list of curves whose y values are less than min.

  • curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
  • min (float) – The minimum value
pydvpy.yminmax(curvelist, min, max)

Filter out points in the curve or list of curves whose y values are less than min or greater than max.

  • curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
  • min (float) – The minimum value
  • max (float) – The maximum value
pydvpy.yn(curvelist, n)

Take the Bessel function of the second kind of order n for the y values of curves in curvelist.

  • curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
  • n (int) – The order
pydvpy.ynx(curvelist, n)

Take the Bessel function of the second kind of order n for the x values of curves in curvelist.

  • curvelist (curve or list) – The curve or list of curves
  • n (int) – The order

curve module

class curve.Curve(filename='', name='')

Bases: object

color = ''
dashes = None
drawstyle = 'default'
ebar = None
edited = False
erange = None
filename = ''
hidden = False
linespoints = False
linestyle = '-'
linewidth = None
marker = '.'
markeredgecolor = None
markerfacecolor = None
markersize = 6
markerstyle = None
name = ''
plotname = ''
plotprecedence = 0
scatter = False
x = array([], dtype=float64)
y = array([], dtype=float64)
curve.append(a, b)

Merge curve a and curve b over the union of their domains. Where domains overlap, take the average of the curve’s y-values.

  • a (curve) – Curve A
  • b (curve) – Curve B

a new curve resulting from the merging of curve a and curve b

curve.getinterp(a, b, left=None, right=None, samples=100, match='domain')

Gets the interpolated and domain matched versions of the two curves.

  • a (curve) – Curve A
  • b (curve) – Curve B
  • left (float, optional) – Value to return for x < a.x[0], default is a.y[0].
  • right – Value to return for x > a.x[-1], default is a.y[-1].
  • {'domain','step'},optional (match) – A string indicating how to interpolate the two curves

right: float, optional


curve pair – the interpolated and domain matched versions of a and b

curve.interp1d(a, num=100, retstep=False)

Gets the interpolated values of the curve with the specified number of samples.

  • a (curve) – Curve A
  • num – Number of samples to generate. Default is 100. Must be non-negative.
  • retstep – return the spacing between samples

num: int, optional


retstep: bool, optional


ia: curve – the interpolated and dimensions matched version of a step: float, optional – only returned if retstep is True. Size of the spacing between samples

pdv module

pdvplot module

pdvutil module

pdvutil.getCurveIndex(plotname, plotlist)
pdvutil.get_actual_index(origref, val)
pdvutil.getnumberargs(line, filelist)
pdvutil.parsemath(line, plotlist, commander, xdomain)
pdvutil.truncate(string, size)

pdvnavbar module